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Dr Bike session award for highest departmental response rate for staff travel survey

  1. One Dr Bike session will be awarded to the department with the highest response rate to the staff travel survey.
  2. Following the closure of the survey the response rate of each department will be calculated based on the head count from HR at the beginning of the survey period and the number of registered responses in the survey.
  3. Every effort will be made to assign “other” department responses to the correct department, but where that is not possible that response will not be included in the calculations.
  4. The list of departments in the survey is supplied annually by HR.
  5. Where two departments have the same response rate the session will be shared between them.
  6. Following the identification of the highest departmental response rate the Departmental Administrator for that department will be contacted to arrange the location, date and communication of the session to staff.
  7. From the date the booking goes live staff in the winning department will be given at least 2 weeks to book a slot. If any slots remain 1 week before the session they will be released for staff from other departments to book.


Dr Bike session award for highest college response rate for student travel survey

  1. One Dr Bike session will be awarded to the College with the highest response rate to the student travel survey.
  2. Following the closure of the survey the response rate of each college will be calculated based on the student numbers by college listed on the University of Cambridge Information Hub and the number of registered responses in the survey.
  3. Where two colleges have the same response rate the session will be shared between them.
  4. Following the identification of the highest College response rate the Bursar and Green officer for that college will be contacted to arrange the location, date and communication of the session to students.
  5. From the date the booking goes live students in the winning department will be given at least 2 weeks to book a slot. If any slots remain 1 week before the session they will be released for University staff to book.
  6. If the College is unable to host the session it will be hosted on a University site as close to the main College buildings as possible.