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The Transport Working Group is responsible for the development, implementation and review of the University’s Transport Strategy.


The proposed organisational arrangements are as follows:

  • The working group is chaired by the Chair of the Environmental Sustainability Strategy Committee.
  • The working group reports to the Environmental Sustainability Strategy Committee (ESSC). Projects which require additional approval; such as car parking management or Universal bus improvements, will be reported directly to other Committees as required.
  • The secretary of the working group will be provided by the Environment and Energy section.
  • The working group meets at least four times per year.
  • The unconfirmed minutes of the meetings will be circulated to the Environmental Sustainability Strategy Committee and the Ecological Advisory Panel.
  • Each nominated representative will serve for a period of three years. There is no limit to how many terms a member may serve.
  • The working group can, if it deems appropriate, create limited life sub-groups to support the development and implementation of the Transport Strategy.


The membership of the Transport Working Group is as follows:

  Current person
The Chair of the Environmental Sustainability Strategy Committee Professor Ian Leslie
Nominated representative of the Registrary Kate Maxwell
Up to three representatives from Schools and Departments, nominated by the Chair and approved by the ESSC Dr Caroline Edmonds
Representative of the Colleges, as nominated by the Bursars’ Committee Stuart Websdale (Domestic Bursar of Jesus College)
Assistant Director of HR Andi Hudson
Head of Estate Strategy and Planning Paul Milliner
Head of Sustainability Joanna Chamberlain
Public Affairs Manager (Regional Political Affairs) Aaron Cohen-Gold
Strategic Partnerships Coordinator Dr Jon Sudholt
Internal Communications Manager Penuel McCarthy
Facilities Support Manager

Steve Matthews

Transport Managers Amanda Nolan / Mike Davies
C-SU Representative Tungsten Tang
C-SU Representative Naphysa Awauh

Terms of reference

The terms of reference are to:

  • provide strategic oversight of the University’s commitment to sustainable transport as outlined in the University’s Transport Strategy
  • recommend for approval strategies, policies, procedures, guidance notes and action
  • plans in connection with sustainable transport, including for the implementation of a new car parking policy make recommendations to the Planning and Resources Committee in relation to resource requirements for the implementation of the strategy
  • monitor progress against the implementation plan of the Transport Strategy and report on this through the University’s annual Environmental Sustainability Report
  • undertake periodic reviews of the Transport Strategy
  • act as advocates for sustainable transport matters at the University and in Cambridge.

March 2019