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Read more at: Meet our new Environmental Coordinator

Meet our new Environmental Coordinator

27 May 2016

Gráinne Kennedy is the new Environmental Coordinator in the Environment & Energy Section. Here we give her our ‘60 second interview’ to find out more about her! 1. Name: Gráinne (pronounced Grawn-ya) Kennedy 2. Position: Environmental Coordinator 3. What does this position entail? I support the Environmental Officer in...

Read more at: 150 items shared on WarpIt

150 items shared on WarpIt

27 May 2016

In the same month that the Queen reached her 90 th Birthday, and 400 years passed since the death of William Shakespeare, another major milestone was passed. That’s right; the 150 th transaction was completed on WarpIt last month! WarpIt is an online marketplace to help redistribute resources conveniently and legally...

Read more at: May’s Living Lab Lowdown

May’s Living Lab Lowdown

27 May 2016

Latest Projects Three complementary projects are being carried out with Lucy Cavendish College to support the College’s understanding of its energy use. Five PhD Engineering students are involved in assessing data availability, understanding the effects of changing the heating policy last year, and determining the...

Read more at: Travel News - University Open Day Arrangements

Travel News - University Open Day Arrangements

27 May 2016

Stagecoach is expanding their services on 30 June and 1 July to cater for the high numbers of prospective students expected to visit the University on the annual open days. An extra bus will be added into the Uni 4 route , this bus will be diverted via Cambridge train station in order to provide a link between the station...

Read more at: Putting energy costs “on ice” in the Clinical School

Putting energy costs “on ice” in the Clinical School

27 May 2016

Ultra-low temperature freezers (ULT Freezers) typically operate between -70 and -80◦C, consuming between 16-22kWh per day, around twice the consumption of an average UK household! They are, therefore, some of the most energy intensive pieces of general laboratory equipment. In the Clinical School these storage facilities...

Read more at: An opportunity to retrofit your home with Cambridge Retrofit

An opportunity to retrofit your home with Cambridge Retrofit

27 May 2016

What is Cambridge Retrofit? Cambridge Retrofit is an initiative with participants from over 50 local businesses, government bodies and educators to ‘retrofit’ existing buildings over the next 30 years, through improvements in energy efficiency which will lower energy consumption and/or change occupant behaviour. Cambridge...

Read more at: Living Lab Lowdown - April

Living Lab Lowdown - April

27 April 2016

The big news from the Living Lab this month is that we’re preparing for an end of year event on 9 June to celebrate the projects that have happened this year. If you’ve been involved with the Living Lab then hopefully you will have received an invitation – please get in touch if not! Project Updates A small-scale study...

Read more at: University success after environmental audit

University success after environmental audit

27 April 2016

On 14 April, the University received a Silver ‘ EcoCampus ’ certificate, marking a significant step on its journey towards internationally recognised performance in managing its environmental impacts. Many people at the University will have heard of the University’s efforts to engage staff and improve sustainability within...

Read more at: Spotlight on Travel Month – a round-up of the action!

Spotlight on Travel Month – a round-up of the action!

26 April 2016

During April, the spotlight has been on sustainable travel. What has this meant? The month kicked off with an event at the Department of Chemistry’s Cybercafe, where staff competed to win the ‘folding bike challenge’, while finding out about sustainable travel. At the Department of Engineering and the David Attenborough...

Read more at: Thoughts from a retiring Environment & Energy Coordinator

Thoughts from a retiring Environment & Energy Coordinator

26 April 2016

Nan Taplin is an Environment & Energy Coordinator (EEC) in the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages (MML) . With her retirement approaching later this year, she reflects on her time as an EEC, with insights into the role and her tips for success in turning a department ‘green’! Here are Nan's top tips for success...