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Leap into recycling action this 29 February and 1 March 2016 by dropping off your broken or unwanted electronics at a two-day event at University of Cambridge, Sidgwick Site Car Park, Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge CB3 9DD. The event provides free e-waste drop off for businesses, colleges, residents and schools and all items collected will be recycled.  

The event is conveniently located on the University estate, and is easily accessible by bicycle, public transport, as well as vehicles, making it the perfect opportunity for those who may been putting off recycling their electronics. This convenience has proved popular with students, local residents and University departments over the last five years. 

The recycling event takes place on Monday 29 February, from 7.30 am to 5 pm, and on Tuesday 1 March, from 7.30 am to 3.30 pm. All types of business and household electronic waste will be accepted for free and staff will be on hand to help with unloading.

According to research conducted by the United Nations University in 2014, the UK is the world’s fifth largest producer of waste electronics. On average, each person in the UK generates 23.5kg of e-waste each year but, in 2014, recycled just under 8 kg of their waste electronics. This means that precious resources are being lost as the materials used to make electronic goods are valuable and can be used to make new products. All e-waste collected at the event will be sorted and treated within the UK.

The event is being hosted by Cambridge Business Improvement District (BID), Cambridge City Council, European Recycling Platform (ERP), and the University of Cambridge as part of a drive to increase the amount of e-waste that is recycled. The previous four events have already recycled nearly 100 tonnes of electronic waste.