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In 2015 the University of Cambridge set out an Environmental Sustainability Vision, Policy & Strategy, outlining its path to 'outstanding environmental sustainability performance'. The University’s Environment and Energy section has just published its third annual report outlining progress against the University's aims and targets in this area.

The 2017/18 report includes a summary of progress against each of the University’s targets and KPIs. This includes details of how the University has made positive steps in reducing its carbon emissions, cutting waste sent to landfill, and increasing the number of passengers using the Universal bus service. However, the report also acknowledges and provides explanations for areas which fell below expectations, for instance a drop in recycling rates, an increase in water usage, and reductions in the use of sustainable travel for staff commuting to work.

The report also includes case studies highlighting specific examples of environmental sustainability action across the University. In the words of the University’s Vice Chancellor Professor Stephen J Toope, in the foreword of the report, these examples demonstrate ‘why providing staff and students with the information and support they need to take action must remain an essential part of our approach to environmental sustainability’.

A copy of the report, as well as previous years’ reports, is available at