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It is many months since the University Catering Service (UCS) and the Environment & Energy section first started a conversation on sustainable food. Since then the University has produced its first ever Sustainable Food Policy and measures within in it were put into force. Research has already been conducted, demonstrating how the purchasing of non-ruminant meat is helping the University limit its food-related carbon emissions. At the Sustainable Food Policy launch, UCS will share their story with University and College staff, catering providers, and students, answering any questions and encouraging wider involvement across the University.

Building on the success of the Sustainable Food Policy, we will be making sustainable food the focus of our ‘Spotlight on’ month this February. Through our recipe competition and online cookery demonstration (see our events page for details later this month), we hope to help build staff and student confidence in cooking with sustainable ingredients. For those more interested in eating than cooking, we have a chance to win some tasty prizes with our Sustainable Food Quiz

We also plan to hold an insect tasting session to explore the issue of alternative food sources - let us know if you'd like to host this in your department! If that's not your thing, there are plenty of other ways you can get involved in your department or college during the month - read our comprehensive list of top tips and ideas here!

For Departmental and College teams taking part in Green Impact, the whole month of February will be a 'bonus month'. This means the team completing the most workbook actions during the month will receive a special prize!

Keep an eye on our social media throughout the month for further updates, and don't forget to let us know what you're up to, and send your sustainable recipe entries to