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When we talk about protecting the environment from the harmful effects of waste disposal, most people think that sending waste to landfill is the problem, and recycling our waste is the solution. However, in the waste hierarchy, recycling is actually not the most preferred action. Effective waste management for environmental sustainability actually requires a much broader perspective, and so for Spotlight on Waste month this November, we are breaking down the challenge of waste management into “the four Rs”: Record, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.  There are lots of things you can do to explore the four Rs; here are just a few suggestions for taking action this month.


Join in our bin-busting event –Midday, Tuesday, 31 October, on the Sidgwick Site.

The first step in tackling a challenge is to understand the challenge. So to launch Spotlight on Waste month with a bang, join our team of students to find out just what the University throws away and how, in a fun, hands-on activity. You will be involved in providing invaluable data for the Environment and Energy team, and there will be goodies given out. Check out the Facebook event here, and sign up to take part here. Once you sign up we will send you further details.


Buy a KeepCup.

The best way to reduce the amount of waste you dispose of is to reduce the amount you buy or consume. Avoid purchasing single-use takeaway cups from cafés by using your own University of Cambridge KeepCup! And if you bring your own cup to any University café, you will receive 20p discount on any hot drink every time you use it. You can buy a KeepCup and use this discount at any of these locations.


Bring your broken items to the repair café – 10.00am – 6.00pm, Saturday, 11 November, Wesley Methodist Church.

If you keep using it, you don’t have to throw it away! But it’s hard to keep using something when it’s broken. Luckily, there are lots of skilled people who can help you carry out repairs for free! Cambridge Carbon Footprint and Transition Cambridge are attempting to break the record for World’s Biggest Repair Café on 11 November at Wesley Methodist Church, so if you have any broken items, from clothes to electrical appliances, book them in for repair here.  Help to make this world record attempt a success, whilst prolonging the life of your item and saving yourself money!


Familiarise yourself with the recycling system in your College or department.

Make sure you are putting everything in the right place. At some Colleges, this might mean having to take your recyclable material outside to a big bin, as there are no provisions in the kitchens or bedrooms. Remember that the extra effort is worth it! Just keep a separate recycling bag near your general waste bin and take it out when it is full. And if you are in a University café, remember that the Vegware packaging goes in the food waste (compostable) bin, not the mixed recycling bin.