Submitted by Peter Lumb on Wed, 2021-11-24 09:16
Long-time readers of Greenlines will know we like to profile new members of the Sustainability Team. However recently we welcomed Amanda Nolan back from maternity leave, and thought it would be a good opportunity to reintroduce her to our community!
When did you join the Sustainability Team?
January 2015
What is your (education/qualification) background and how did you get here?
I completed a masters in transport planning at the University of Leeds and then went to work for a transport consultancy in Birmingham, working on developing transport assessments and travel plans. I then went on secondment to Dumfries and Galloway Council to manage their smarter travel programme, which included delivering a large Personalised Travel Planning project to all of Dumfries residents.
I then moved down to London to work in a role developing schemes to promote active travel modes in a position funded by Greenwich Council and the Primary Care Trust. I then moved to Hackney Council to work in their transport team delivering their transport strategy, including on the ground initiatives including a cycle loan scheme, cycle parking and electric vehicle charging points.
What does your position involve?
I am one of the two Transport Managers in a job share position, I work Monday to Wednesdays. I am responsible for the car parking programme, which includes looking at developing a booking system for car parks as well as reviewing how permits are allocated to staff members at the University. I am also responsible for a series of initiatives to encourage staff to travelling sustainably, including the University’s pool bike scheme, the Travel Advisor service, and car clubs. I am also working with the Greater Cambridge Partnership to look at potentially expanding the use of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) on the University’s estate.
Which projects are you looking forward to getting your teeth into now you are back?
All of my projects of course!
What are you most excited to see has happened while you’ve been off?
The Autonomous Vehicle trial at West Cambridge and the Voi electric scooter and bike expansion into University sites.
What are the best and worst bits about being back at work?
Best – feeling that I am making a difference to Cambridge and the world of sustainable transport. Worst – juggling working and having 3 young children.
What do you think is the biggest environmental challenge?
Getting people out of their cars and to use sustainable transport modes, there are so many challenges for us to overcome, people’s habitual behaviour, lack of public transport around Cambridge, challenges with encouraging people to use EVs…the list goes on.
What gets you out of bed (and into work) in the morning?
I really enjoy meeting other staff working at the University and looking at how we can progress the projects together.
What is your environment-related pet hate?
People telling me they have to use their car for all their journeys, when actually there are plenty of ways people can integrate more sustainable modes into their lives.
What is your proudest professional achievement?
Seeking approval for and re-tendering the Universal bus contract to improve frequency and reliability and seeing the growth in passengers as a result.
What is your favourite green gadget?
I’m not a gadgety person I’m afraid! I enjoy using google to map my cycle routes out… does that count?!
Find out more about the Sustainability Team's work on travel and transport. |
Written by Jo Beale