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When we think of our University being a world leader in sustainability we often think about technological solutions. While these things are essential for us to make our way to a sustainable future, what is sometimes forgotten is the role of staff who drive change in the University.

From the Lab Manager who considers energy use when buying equipment, to the Building Manager making recycling easy for all in their department, to the Administrator integrating sustainability within their team culture, there are many people across the University doing their bit to contribute to the University’s sustainability goals.

The Environment and Energy section are very lucky to collaborate with many of these wonderful staff members through our work – we’ve given an ‘Environmental hero’ awarded at each of our last five Green Impact awards ceremonies.  However, we hope to shine a more regular spotlight on the sustainability efforts of keen staff and students around the University over the coming academic year.

Do you work with someone who is making sustainability a priority in your team or in their work? If you do, you can nominate them to be our ‘Environmental Hero of the month’. We hope that sharing the human face of sustainability in the University will inspire others to see the difference that they can make where they work.

To nominate someone simply drop us an email with a short description of the person you’d like to nominate and what they’ve been up to (ask their permission first, unless it’s yourself!). We look forward to hearing from you.