Submitted by Susannah Cook on Mon, 2022-02-07 15:34
What does your position involve?
My position is aimed at delivering communications and engagement initiatives to raise awareness and promote pro-environmental behaviour to staff and students. This involves working with the Environment and Energy Coordinators, the Green Impact teams and editing the monthly Greenlines newsletter.
What is your (education/qualification) background and how did you get here?
I have an MSc in Environmental Social Science from Stockholm University where I did a lot of work looking into what emotions, primarily hope and fear, promote pro-environmental actions and activism. I was heavily involved with a lot of environmental groups both in and outside of the University, mainly Symbios and Zero-Waste Stockholm.
What were you doing before joining the Sustainability Team?
I was working as the Office and Community Executive for Winnow Solutions Ltd, a company that produces technology to help chefs measure, monitor and dramatically reduce food waste.
What are you looking forward to getting your teeth into in the coming year?
I am really excited to get stuck into all the communications work involved with the University of Cambridge's new Sustainability Strategy as well as my first Green Impact submission, audit and awards periods. I also hope I will get to meet more of my colleagues in person.
Who is your inspirational figure (real or fictional)?
My parents are my inspirational figures. They support me in everything I chose to do (even moving abroad for 2 years) and inspire me daily with the hard work they put into their chosen careers.
Do you have any hobbies?
I can usually be found running, cooking or reading. I also adore Formula 1 but I feel guilty about it from an environmental perspective!
What do you think is the biggest environmental challenge?
Apathy, ignorance and selfishness. We all have some level of responsibility to act against environmental challenges and to educate ourselves to the best of our abilities.
What gets you out of bed (and into work) in the morning?
The chance to do something meaningful and hopefully make a positive difference. If that fails, coffee.
What is your environment-related pet hate?
Food waste in restaurants. Please just take it home and have for lunch the next day.
What is your proudest professional achievement?
Presenting at a board meeting in the first 3 months in my position.
What is your favourite green gadget?
Not gadgets per se, but I love innovative sustainability apps like Olio, Karma or Too Good to Go. I think that platforms that have a positive environmental impact as well as connecting people are such valuable tools as we hopefully move towards a less resource intensive, community focused and more sharing way of living.
First impressions of Cambridge?
I am very new to Cambridge but I have never been so happy to see so many fields. I moved to London for 7 months and there was nowhere near enough green space. That being said, I need recommendations for what to do, see and eat in Cambridge!