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Environment & Energy are launching a new programme which focuses specifically on scientific research facilities. Scientific research uses the highest amount of energy per square metre in the University's estate. Green Labs seeks not to reduce the level of research but simply to minimise its environmental impact where possible. This programme will allow the University to lead the way in terms of scientific sustainability and make a significant contribution to the Environmental Sustainability Policy, Vision and Strategy

A new Green Labs section of our website has been launched to provide a focal point for relevant information and resources, while the Green Labs programme is also kicking off with two exciting events for lab staff, full details below.

Green Labs Workshop @ Plant Sciences 25 February 2016 at 2pm

Aimed at lab related University staff, this event will include a short talk about the University's Energy and Carbon Reduction Project funded activities in Plant Sciences, led by Martin Howes (Plant Sciences Energy Co-ordinator). Plant Sciences have recently been Highly Commended in the Green Gown Awards for their project 'LEDing the way to greener plant growth'. Martin will share his experiences on identifying energy reduction projects and applying for funds. This will be followed by a Q&A discussion session and a short tour of the Plant Sciences research facilities. A member of the Environment and Energy team will be there to answer any specific queries

There is no onsite parking available, and a selection of refreshments will be provided. Please sign up here in advance as spaces are limited, however last minute attendees will still be considered.

S-Lab Event at University of Bristol  29 February 2016

The Environment and Energy Section is offering to fully fund rail travel to an S-Lab event at University of Bristol on “How to Minimise Laboratory Energy Use and Environmental Impact”, for up to 6 members of University lab or lab related staff (including post-doctoral research assistants). The event itself is free. The programme for the day can be viewed here. It will include a talk by the Green Labs Program Manager at the University of Colorado, Boulder.

If you are interested in this exciting offer, please contact, and express your interest by 8 February 2016 at the latest. If we receive more than 6 requests, we will allocate spaces by drawing names out of a hat. Please be aware that it is your responsibility to book yourself a place at the event.