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At the East Forvie building, our Green Impact team ’The Green Genies DPHPC’ (Department of Public Health and Primary Care) along with our Management Team, have recently transformed its internal lighting system with an upgrade to a new LED lighting system that will reduce energy consumption and cut fuel costs. 

Some of the key benefits of the new lighting system are that they have SMART self-testing technology which provide an alert to the user when a part and technician are required, which then reduces our carbon footprint further by minimising the need for callouts and additional site visits. They also have daylight-saving technology, sensors that time out after 15-20 minutes of inactivity and have done away with human interaction switches in communal spaces which help significantly in reducing the need to “turn off the lights”.

Not only are the new lights designed to maximise efficiency and reduce unnecessary output but the installation and project design has considered the impact of our carbon footprint and how this can be mitigated throughout.

Written by: The Green Genies