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Open book

As a member of staff at the University of Cambridge, you can sign up to access a plethora of sustainability resources for free or at member rates. From resources to webinars, membership of the EAUC (Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges) provides a whole host of opportunities for you to engage with, and learn from, others tackling sustainability and environmental issues.

Are you looking to improve your sustainability knowledge in a particular area? Once you register, you will have access to an online library of over 4,000 resources, guides and reports. By joining an online community (e.g. a regional network, a Community of Practice or a mailing list), you can also ask questions of others tackling similar issues in over 300 universities and schools across the UK. Whether you’re interested in learning more about Scope 3 emissions, the circular economy, waste, biodiversity, transport or energy, there’s a group for you to explore best practice, latest developments and lessons learned.

To join, visit the EAUC website and select ‘Sign up’ to progress to the next screen. In the green ‘Education Institution’ box, click ‘choose’ and navigate to the University of Cambridge in the dropdown menu. Welcome to the network and enjoy a world of sustainability learning at your fingertips!