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As part of Fauna and Flora International’s ongoing commitment to the environment, the Green Group inaugurated a Green Fund.

This pot of money is set aside for small-to-medium-sized projects that aim to green FFI’s activities both in the UK and around the globe. Staff members can propose projects to be funded up to a sum of £1,000, though larger projects are considered.
In Spring 2022, members of the Guinea office of Fauna & Flora International applied to the Green Fund, with a proposal to cut down the use of single-use plastics and disposable batteries. The FFI Green Group was very excited to fund this proposal with the sum of £957. The Guinea Team have recently been in touch with a report on the impact of this grant.

How were the funds used?

  • Water dispensers for the FFI Guinea office
  • Reusable water bottles for staff and partners, for use during meetings and fieldwork
  • Rechargeable batteries and chargers for GPS units for use in patrol activities, and FFI office equipment.

What impact did this have?

  • Between May and August 2022, staff in the Guinea office avoided using 764 disposable plastic water bags
  • The rechargeable batteries greatly reduced the reliance on non-rechargeable batteries, down from a peak of c.400 batteries a month used in patrols and camera traps

The Green Group are very excited to see the money making a tangible change to FFI’s environmental impact, and hope to see more of projects like this in the future!

Written by: James McIntosh, Office Manager