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We’ve known for many years that the 'make, use, dispose’ way of life is having a big impact on our environment. Our use of single-use items not only fills up landfills, chokes our rivers and seas, but also contributes to dwindling natural resources. Recent audits of the University of Cambridge’s waste have shown how big the issue of single-use disposable waste is, but there are also many great examples of waste reduction which reinforce just how big of a change we could make if we can better understand the issue of single-use disposables, and find solutions that help to reduce, replace, reuse or recycle the most problematic items.

In these two workshops, we'll be looking in detail at the findings of the recent 'Single out Survey' and focusing on finding solutions which eliminate, reduce, replace or recycle those items which add the most to the University’s waste. The workshop is being run jointly by the University Sustainability Team and OurCambridge's 'Simplifying Our Processes' team.

This is SESSION 2: which will focus on laboratory/research single use items. It is mainly aimed at staff who work in labs.

Book at (if you do not have access to the UTBS system, email

Thursday, March 25, 2021 - 10:00 to 11:30
Event location: