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Research tells us that periods of change are often the best times to encourage people to take up more sustainable habits*. The start of a new academic year is therefore a great time to engage students on the topic of environmental sustainability and get them involved in the University’s sustainability efforts.

The Environment and Energy Section has produced a number of resources, including presentation slides, a good practice guide for delivering effective inductions, and information resources that can be placed in student handbooks and/or added to websites.

We encourage all staff who work directly with students to include environmental information in their induction programmes. For Green Impact teams there is a further benefit as including sustainability in inductions counts towards Green Impact criteria G017, CT030 and L040.

Please contact us if you have any feedback on these resources or if your department requires further assistance.

*Darnton et al. (2011), Habits, Routines and Sustainable Lifestyles: A summary report to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.