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Get in touch by email

University of Cambridge staff and students are welcome to contact us via email with any queries about environmental or sustainability issues. Our team inboxes include:

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Other ways of getting in touch

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@CambridgeSust CU Sustainability


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Emergencies and environmental incidents

As part of the University's Environmental Management System, the Environmental Sustainability Team seek to support the responses to, and record, environmental incidents.  University Institutions (Departments, Faculties, Schools and Non-School Institutions) should follow local incident procedures for minor spills or incidents, and ensure these are reported as outlined below.  For major incidents or emergencies please follow the procedures below:


In an emergency, or to escalate incidents to the University Silver Team, contact the University Security Control Centre 24/7 on (3)31818 or dial 101 from the internal network. For contact details which can be used for environmental emergencies on the University estate (for instance inappropriate discharge to either foul sewer or surface water drains) see the Emissions to Drains page.

Reporting and Environmental Incident:

In an emergency, or to escalate incidents to the University Silver Team, contact the University Security Control Centre 24/7 on (3)31818 or dial 101 from the internal network. For environmental emergencies, during office hours Monday to Thursday, on the University estate (for instance inappropriate discharge to either foul sewer or surface water drains) contact the Environmental Sustainability Team on (01223) 763574.  Please follow the above out of hours guidance outside of these times.

All environmental incidents and/or near misses should be reported via the Safety Office’s AssessNET portal.